We are cooking today such an essential and basic dish in Spanish cuisine! There are Spanish Omelette lovers that can not pass a day without a portion! Easy to make and cheap, I will show you the way I make it


- 4 eggs
- 1 onion
- 4 medium potatoes
- Milk
- Salt and Olive oil

First of all we have to peel and wash the potatoes. Then you cut them into small thin pieces. I use a deep fryer to fry them but it is fine if you use a pan. Oil must be very hot.

While the potatoes are frying we prepare the eggs and milk, add some salt

And mix it very well

We can alsi chop the onion into small pieces while the potatoes finish frying.

I like to drain the fried potatoes as much as possible, so at the same time I fry the onion, I leave the potatoes draining in the deep - fryer' s basket. You must cook the onion using low heat.

Once the potatoes are drained, you add them to the mixture of eggs, milk and salt.

And you have to mix it as much as possible

Finally, we add the fried onion and mix everything very well

Then it´s time to fry the mixture! We ca use the same pan where we fried the onion. You must heat a little bit of oil previously

Using a wood spoon we distribute the mixture in all the pan's surface. We cook it using low heat during 5 minutes

To turn it down we use a dish, cover the pan and turn it down.

Now it's time to fry the other side during 5 minutes

I normally use the wood spoon to give it a nicer shape.

There you go! Enjoy it!!!

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