Another awesome Mexican dinner that we really enjoy and I would like to share with you.


- Hot dog bread
- Mayonnaise
- Sausages (I use chicken and turkey Sausages but you can choose your favourite flavour)
- Turkey/ham slices
- Cheese slices
- Chopped onion and tomato
- Avocado slices
- Fried, crunchy onion
- Ketchup and moustard 

Cut the bread into two halves and toast it

Spread some mayonnaise in the bread

In a hot pan, fry the turkey slices on both sides

Add the Cheese and wait till it melts. Place them over the hot dog bread with mayonnaise

Cut the Sausages into two halves and fry them

Chop the tomato and the onion and sprinkle them on the hot dog bread

Place the sausage on that half where you didn't sprinkle onion and tomato

Cut the Avocado into two halves, remove the bone with a knife and take out all the pulp with a spoon. Then, cut it into slices

And place them over the hot dog. Finally, sprinkle some crunchy fried onion.

There you go! You can have them with ketchup and moustard and if you like the authentic spicy Mexican flavour, add some jalapeños!! Enjoy them 😊

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