This dish has always been very special  me as my mum used to prepare it for special occassions such as birthdays. Every time we have it at home, really nice memories come to my mind :-)


(For two people)

- 2 Chicken breast fillets (cut them into two halves for easier cooking)
- 3 clean leeks
- 1 egg
- Flour
- 1 Chicken stock
- Salt, Olive oil
- Water


First of all we have to coat the chicken fillets in batter, so prepare a small plate with some flour and another one with the egg

Add a small pinch of salt to the egg an beat it

Get all the chicken fillets covered with flour

Heat a pan with olive oil

Get the chicken fillets soaked with the egg

And fry them during some minutes

On both sides. It is not necessary that they are very brown

Once they are ready, place them in a baking tray

Now we are going to prepare the sauce. I use this electrical appliance. It is a mincer. My mum used to have an identical one! You must be careful when handling, unplug it every time you need to open and distribute the ingredients you need to mince.

Cut the leeks into small pieces

And place them inside the mincer

Cover and close it. Plug it and press it using small hits. I like the leek being very minced, but if you like bigger bits of it on the sauce it is not necessary that you repeat the hits many times.

Fry the minced leek on the same pan you used for the chicken breast fillets

Stir at the same time you are frying. Leek must turn into a "brown colour"

Add two spoons of flour

Mix well and fry for some minutes, until the flour has "toast es"

Add cool water little by little, stirring and mixing with all the ingredients at the same time. Don´t add more until you have thicken the previous added water. If you like thick sauce you will need less water. If you want that the sauce is more liquid, add more water.

Prepare the chicken stock chopping it.

Add it to the sauce and mix. Cook for some more minutes until it boils

Place all the sauce over the chicken breast fillets

Cook au gratin in the oven till the sauce is brown on its surface


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