This a cheap recipe with a surprising flavour! I was not very convinced about it, but we really liked its taste and soft texture. You can have it hot or cool, it is easy to prepare and it can be stored from day to day.


- One medium courgette 
- Two small carrots 
- Cool boiled rice (one full glass) (Take a look at this quick way to prepare boiled rice)
- Two cans of tuna 
- One can of "pisto" (fried tomato sauce with vegetables)
- A bag of fresh cut up spinachs 
- Grated Grana Padano or Parmesan Cheese
- Grated Cheese (that melts well) such as mozarella or emmental 
- Salt and Olive oil


First of all, we must grate the courgette

and the carrot

and fry both in a hot pan with olive oil. It is enough with three or four minutes, medium heat. As the vegetables are grated they will fry fast. Add some salt as they are frying.

Now we have to use half of the boiled rice. We add it to the pan with vegetables, mix and fry them during some minutes, medium heat

Finally we add some parmesan or grana padano cheese and mix well

We place the mixture in an oven tray (20 x 30 cm approximately)

Distribute all the mixture in the base of the oven tray. This will be the first layer of the rice pie

Now, mix the tuna with the pisto sauce

And place it over the first layer of the rice pie. Distribute it. This will be the second layer of the pie.

Now it is time to prepare the third layer. We fry the spinach in a hot pan with olive oil. Add some salt. You have to add them little by little as they occupy a lot of space, but don't worry, they will shrink, occupy less and become easier to handle.

Can you see? :-) This is the moment you add half glass of water

And boil them till all the water has evaporated. We do this because spinach are a bit bitter and this "trick" makes them have a more pleasant flavour.

Then we add the other half of the rice and mix well.

We use a bit more of parmesan or grana padano cheese and mix everything

Place the third layer of the rice pie over the pisto sauce and tuna

And distribute it well with a wood spoon

The last layer of the rice pie is grated cheese, share generously over the previous layer

Cook au gratin in the oven until the cheese begins to bubble and brown

Hmmm!! Yummy!! If you leave the rice pie settle from day to day, flavours will be intensified. Remember you can have it both cool or hot. Enjoy!

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