My mum used to cook this dish in a more ellaborated way, but since I started using Thermomix I simplified the task a lot! I use tomato sauce prepared with my loved machine so you can have a nice meal in few minutes :-)

Click here to learn how to cook tomato sauce with Thermomix

- Tomato sauce
- Fresh diced tuna
- A green Pepper and half onion (cut into julienne strips)
- A chopped garlic clove
- Olive oil, Salt and Black Pepper


Fry the onion, the green Pepper and the garlic with some olive oil

Add the tomato sauce 

Cook during some minutes, medium heat. Stir it.

Add the diced tuna

Add some Salt and Black pepper and stir it well

Cover the pan and cook it during some minutes, low heat

Turn the tuna dices around so as to cook them properly in all sides. Stir and cover again. Cook for some minutes till the tuna looks white

If you leave it from one day to another, it tastes even better. This dish is suitable to be re-heated in microwave. Enjoy!

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