GOURMET SALAD (Gorgonzola Cheese and Pear)

This salad is suitable for gourmet palates, it is awesome! It has a very special flavour, you must try it and judge for yourself


- A small bag (125gr) of prepared lamb's lettuce (washed and ready to use)
- Two pears 
- 70 gr crashed walnuts
- 75 gr Parmesan Cheese chips
- 150 gr Gorgonzola Cheese 
- Balsamic vinegar cream to season


Put the lamb's lettuce in a big salad bowl

Peel the pears

And cut them into slices. Add them over the lamb's lettuce

Add the crashed walnuts. They will provide the salad a great crunchy touch

It´s time to spread the Parmesan cheese chips

And the Gorgonzola cheese cut into small bits. I recommend to do this with your hands as it is quite sticky. and this makes it difficult to be cut with a knife

Finally, season the salad with balsamic vinegar cream

The contrast of colors is so beautiful! Don't forget to mix all the ingredients before serving.
It's simply delicious, enjoy!

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