It's my sis' birthday soon and I always prepare the birthday cake for her. This one is her favourite. It is not difficult at all and the thing I like most is that you don't need to bake it!


- One packet of biscuits
- Some melted butter (60gr)
- 150 gr. dark chocolate 
- 150 gr. Milk chocolate
- 150 gr. white chocolate 
- 750 ml whole Milk
- 750 ml cream
- 150 gr. sugar
- 3 sachets of making curd powder

(You will need a detachable mould. This quantities are for a 26 cm radius mould.)



First of all you need to crush the biscuits. I use the Thermomix, if you don't have one, you can put all the biscuits inside a clean plastic bag, close it and crush them using a rolling pin or a bottle.

Put all the crushed biscuits in a bowl. You can add some cinnamon to give extra flavour.

Now weigh 60 grams of butter

And melt it in the microwave using low power (in my case 40%). It will take about 2 minutes

Pour the melted butter over the crushed biscuits and mix well.

Put the mix in the mould

and distribute it well, covering every gap

While you prepare the first chocolate layer, leave the mould inside the fridge


Put the dark chocolate inside a casserole

Add 50 grams of sugar

250 ml cream

Measure 250 ml whole milk and dissolve the curd powder on it

Then, add the mixture in the casserole

Using low heat, stir all the ingredients

Until they are well mixed. Don't let the liquid boil!!

Using a spoon as an "umbrella" (this avoids damaging the previous layer) pour all the dark chocolate mixture over the biscuit layer. Leave it cool.


We repeat the same steps as we did with the dark chocolate layer.

First we put the chocolate inside the casserole

50 grams of sugar

250 ml cream

250 ml whole milk + curd powder

Stir well using low heat, avoiding boiling

 Using a spoon as an "umbrella"  pour all the milk chocolate mixture over the dark chocolate layer. Leave it cool.


In the last layer we repeat once more the same steps. First, put the white chocolate inside the casserole

50 grams of sugar

250 ml cream

250 ml whole milk + curd powder

Stir and mix everything well, using low heat, avoiding boiling

Using a spoon as an "umbrella" pour all the white chocolate mixture over the milk chocolate layer. Leave it cool.

Once the mould is cool you have to leave it inside the fridge, at least 24 hours. Then we will be able to decorate the cake.

This time I used some candies and cocoa powder

This is how it looks once you remove the mould's walls 

Yummy!!! Enjoy it!

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