When fish is not a favourite dish at home, cooking it with some sauce is a good idea so as to convince the family members to eat it with no disgusting faces. This dish has a nice flavour thanks to the cod. Ask the fishmonger to remove the fish bones and skin and it will be easier to eat once cooked


- Tomato sauce
- About 400 gr cod fillets (without bones and skin)
- Two medium potatoes
- One green pepper
- Half red pepper
- Olive oil
- Salt, ground black pepper


Peel and dice both potatoes

Cook them in a deep fryer

Save for later (it is not necessary that they are as brown as mine!)

Wash and cut the peppers into fine stripes

Heat a pan with some olive oil

Once the olive oil is hot, add the pepper stripes and cook them for some minutes till they are soft

In that moment pour the tomato sauce

Stir and mix all the ingredients. Cook till the tomato sauce starts boiling

Then, add the cod fillets. Stir again and cook for five minutes. Cod must be a bit brown.

Finally add the fried potato dices that we saved

Mix well with the rest of the ingredients. (It is normal that cod "breaks" into small pieces, don't worry about that, taste is going to be great anyway!)

And simmer some more minutes. Your food is ready! If you have it from day to day, flavours settle and it tastes delicious.

Enjoy your meal!!

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