This a recipe my mum used to prepare some weekends or for special occasions. It is a rissotto with a really nice flavour that I am sure you will all enjoy! 


(These amounts serve 4 persons)

- 400 gr streaky bacon in fillets
- One tray of sliced mushrooms
- 2 glasses and a half of rice
- 5 glasses of water
- One chicken stock 
- One onion
- One clove of garlic
- Half glass of white wine
- Salt, ground black Pepper
- Thyme
- Olive Oil

First of all we are going to prepare the stock. Measure five glasses of water

And pour them into a casserole 

Introduce the Chicken stock and heat till it starts boiling

Stir well and save for later

Now, prepare the ingredients:
Cut the streaky bacon into stripes 

Peel and chop the onion and the clove of garlic finely

Heat a pan with some olive oil (Im sorry about how this pan looks like! It is an old one that I exclusively use for rice and sauces)

Once the Olive oil is hot, put the onion and garlic into the pan and cook till they get brown

Now add the mushrooms and continue cooking 

When the mushrooms are soft, It is time to add the streaky bacon

Cook until the bacon changes its colour. Then, measure half glass of white wine

And pour It into the pan. Stir and wait till all the alcohol has evaporated 

 It's time to season! Use generous Thyme 

Salt and ground black pepper

 Stir well and add the rice

Once the rice has absorbed all the liquids from the pan, start adding the stock little by little using a serving soup spoon. Rice must absorb the stock before adding more

Stir at the same time 

Once you finish all the stock, cook for some more minutes and leave the rice settle for five minutes before serving 

You have Two serving options:

1.  Plain rissotto (directly from the pan)

2. Add some grated Parmesan or Grana Padano Cheese over your rice

Both options are delicious but I recommend number 2, rice is creamier and cheese provide a special flavour


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