On Christmas two friends of us came to Madrid and we met them to have lunch in the city centre. There is a restaurant that we like where food is served as "tapas" or "pinchos" and we ordered a salad to share. We liked it so much so I decided to try and prepare my own version of it at home. Here's the result!

INGREDIENTS  (for two salads)

- A bag of washed prepared "gourmet salad" (escarole, lamb´s lettuce and chicory)
- Two slices of goat cheese
- Two tomatoes 
- Varied dry fruits (pumpkin and sunflower seeds, laminated almonds, walnuts)
- Pesto Rosso


Prepare in both plates a "bed" of gourmet salad

Sprinkle the varied dry fuits

Cut the tomato into fine slices

and place them over the gourmet salad

Heat a pan with no oil

Toast the goat cheese

in both sides

Place a slice of goat cheese over the slices of tomato

Season with Pesto Rosso

Add a pinch of salt over the whole salad and serve it

Yummy!! Enjoy it!

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