This spongecake is really good! Ideal for breakfast or tea. It is very easy to make, you don't need to use any electrical kitchen device!


- 300 gr strong wheat flavour 
- 2 yogurts 
- 4 eggs
- 240 gr sugar
- 120 ml olive oil (you can measure this with the yogurt container once you empty it)
- One sachet of baking powder
- One bag of dry cranberries 


Put the cranberries in a cup with warm water. We want to hydrate them during 10 minutes.

Put the eggs in a bowl

Measure 240 gr sugar

Add the sugar and beat everything till you obtain a whitish mixture.

Join the yogurts 

Measure the oil with the empty container of the yogurt and pour it into the bowl.

Mix everything to obtain a homogenous blend.

Measure 300 gr strong flour

The flour must be sieved before mixing with the rest of ingredients

Mix with the rest of ingredients 

The mixture must look like this:

Add the baking powder and a pinch of salt and blend all the ingredients.

Drain the cranberries and get them covered with flour. This will prevent that they fall to the bottom of the spongecake.

Add the cranberries to the mixture and distribute them carefully using a fish slice.

Grease a baking tray with butter

And then distribute some flour. By doping this, removing the spongecake from the mould will be easier

Pour the dough into a greased baking tray

Bake the spongecake during 45 minutes. The oven must be pre-heated at 180 degrees 

Check that the spongecake is ready using the toothpick trick (poke the cake, if the toothpick is clean when you take it out, the cake is cooked)

It is ready! Leave it cool

And enjoy it!!

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