Not enough time or too lazy to cook? Today machines can prepare the food for you! I serve this dish with boiled rice that can be easily done in the microwave


- 500 gr squid rings
- 1 tomato
- 1 onion 
- 3 or 4 bay leaves 
- 2 bags of cuttlefish ink (can be found next to frozen fish at the supermarket)
- Some drops of Tabasco 
- Two small Thermomix cups of white wine 
- One small Thermomix cup of water
- One tablespoon of wheat flour
- Half small Thermomix cup of Olive oil 
- Salt, ground black Pepper


Place all the squid rings (previously washed with cold water) inside the Thermomix basket. Season them with Salt and Pepper and save for later

Now cut the washed tomato into portions and put them inside the Thermomix jar.

Do the same with the onion 

Add the bay leaves

The measured Olive oil

The tablespoon of wheat flour

And the cuttlefish ink

Close the Thermomix and use Speed 1 during 5-8 seconds, open the jar again. It must look like this:

Pour some drops of Tabasco, Salt and Pepper

Place the basket with the squid rings 

Cover and close the jar. Place the strainer on top. Set the machine: Speed 1, temperature 100 degrees, time 20 minutes

5 minutes before the cooking program has finished, add the rest of the ingredients without removing the strainer 

First one small Thermomix cup of water

Then, two small Thermomix cups of white wine
Leave the Thermomix finishing cooking

Once time is over, open the Thermomix and be careful when handling the basket as it will be very hot. Place the squid in a tray and pour all the sauce all over them 

As I suggested before, they are perfect with some boiled rice as a side 

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